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Give your marketing team AI superpowers.

The Ultimate AI Workshop for Brand & Agency Teams

The acclaimed free Artificial Intelligence training session that equips your marketing, media and creative team with practica AI skills to boost productivity, streamline workflows, mitigate AI risks and keep you ahead of disruption.

Early access special

Book a FREE 1 hour virtual team workshop ($1,860) before December 2023

Who is this workshop for?


of employees use ChatGPT for work and hide it from their boss.

Does this sound like you?

  • Your team are experimenting with AI tools like ChatGPT and MidJourney


  • You're unsure if they're following regulation and best-practices to protect your business from data, IP and legal threats.


  • AI tool use is erratic and disjointed, failing to sync with your existing business rhythm, knowledge and needs.


  • You have AI ideas but taking action is paralysing


  • You foresee the profound impact AI will have on your team but are grappling with strategies to keep everyone ahead of the curve.

What's covered in my  free 1-hour AI Workshop?

Our signature hands-on AI Workshop is packed with practical skills and hands-on activities to align your team on opportunities to revolutionise your marketing and agency operations:


  • Clear, simplified AI insights

  • Tailored strategies and use-cases for your business

  • Cost-effective and high-impact solutions

  • Practical, hands-on experience

  • Free post-session AI Roadmap with tailored strategic recommendations and next steps.

Hands-On AI Implementation Strategies

Practical, business-focused insights.

Learn From Real-World Case Studies

Learn from successful AI applications.

Customised AI Integration Plan

Tailored for your business needs.

Receive a free 90-Day AI Integration Roadmap

Kickstart your AI journey.

Book your free AI Workshop for your marketing team

The AI Marketing Revolution
Is Here: 

Don't let your competitors gain the upper hand.

AI is not a trend, it's a revolution, transforming the marketing industry as we know it. As this seismic shift approaches its inevitable tipping-point, agile teams who are proactive in integrating AI into their workflows are gaining a significant advantage. They’re finding ways to work smarter, increase their capabilities and grow their margins to undercut and steal business.


Don't let a 'watch and see' approach be your downfall.

"What do I think of AI? I think it's coming, and it's coming fast.
And it's going to be awesome"

Garry Vee AI Marketing.jpeg

Gary Vaynerchuk

Digital Marketing Entrepreneur


Each participant will gain 3 hours per-week: or your money back

How many team members in your workshop?



How much is an average participants time worth?


How much is this workshop worth to your business?


The value of the productivity we guarantee to unlock in your business over 12 months*

Hours gained per year for each  participant



Weekly value unlocked per individual participant

Weekly value unlocked (all participants)


 5 ways your Agency or Brand team
will benefit from AirStack's AI Masterclass


Protect Your Business & Team From Risks

Safeguard your operations by preventing breaches of law, industry regulations, and exposure of your sensitive commercial IP to public AI models like ChatGPT and MidJourney. Our training helps you understand and mitigate potential AI risks.


Related FAQ's 

Creative Workflow With ChatGPT


Boost Productivity

This AI Masterclass takes you beyond the buzz of ChatGPT, offering practical processes specifically designed for brand, agency, content and creative marketing teams. We'll cover the tools, tasks and automations for project management, brief creation, pitch responses, comms messaging through to media planning and reports - boosting your efficiency.

Related FAQ's 


AI To Elevate Insights & Strategic Thinking

Our session will equip your strategists with the knowledge to integrate AI into campaign development, helping them gain insights faster and create more robust plans. With our tools, your team will transform the way they work, enhancing both speed and quality

Using AI for Strategy and Pitch Responses

Related FAQ's 

Using MidJourney and Steam Motion for Advertising Campaigns and Creative Ideas


Unlock New Creative & Content Frontiers

Artificial Intelligence is not a creativity killer—it's an amplifier. Our AI workshop will show your team how to use AI as a springboard for new ideas and innovation, all while optimising content and campaign effectiveness

Related FAQ's 


AI Skills For Opps & Account Service

Our workshop will give your team the opportunity to learn practical AI skills, brainstorm opportunities together and get hands-on to crack productivity time-busters to get you ahead of the AI curve. Our workshops are offered online and in person.

Using AI for Strategy and Pitch Responses

Related FAQ's 

Ready to Future-Proof Your Marketing Team?

Let’s turn inevitable AI disruption into your competitive advantage 

Take the step your competitors might still be considering.


Equip your team with the AI skills and strategies that will streamline your processes, ignite creativity, and drive substantial ROI. No time to waste - the future of marketing is already here and all it takes is 3-hours to begin understanding and tapping its transformative and profound potential.  


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